Ballet The core principles of ballet focus on balance, coordination, strength, and poise. Every exercise and step builds on these, […]
Acro Dance Acro dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is […]
Acrobatic Dance Acrobatic dance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is […]
We are very excited to be offering New Acrobatic Classes in our programme! Samantha is a qualified teacher through Acrobatic […]
Associate Ballet, Jazz & Freestyle is for students wishing to take professional qualifications to become teachers. Members of the public, […]
Freestyle Disco Intermediate Freestyle disco dance is an artistic dance style. A modern, varied and expressive dance style that is […]
Grade Two/Three Ballet, Tap and Stage Ballet The core principles of ballet focus on balance, coordination, strength, and poise. Every […]
Grade One Ballet, Tap and Stage Ballet The core principles of ballet focus on balance, coordination, strength, and poise. Every […]
Toddlers Dance If you’ve ever witnessed toddlers dance to music, you can’t help but smile. They obviously love the feeling […]